Waterways Chaplains aim to “Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” *
The Waterways Chaplaincy is slightly different from some other Chaplaincies. The Chaplain’s distinctive focus is to proactively reach out to people in need on our rivers and canals. We support the increasing number of boaters who are ‘signposted to us’ by the Canals and Rivers Trust Welfare Officers. We also support other boaters who are concerned for someone they have come across in need and other Waterways Chaplains.
Just like chaplains in hospitals, Waterways Chaplains are there to serve those they come across. We build and maintain relationships and often help to sort out more involved issues with the boater such as poverty, or health & benefits problems. This ‘accompanying role often brings about a gradual transformation in peoples lives and we believe this is a gentle sign that God has been at work.
Waterways Chaplains get to know and be known, in a certain geographical patch near them. They are trained volunteers, who are assigned a mentor for the first few months. Every chaplain is different and brings their own unique set of gifts to the role.
As Chaplains, we are all very connected into our local communities and our local Churches. We aim to proactively ‘come alongside’ boaters in need with a chat and a cup of coffee, and support any further needs that may arise.
The Chaplains offer:
- Listening: listening & confidential ear.
- Signposting: sign post those in difficulty to local support services e.g. foodbanks.
- Advocates: act as advocates when a boater needs someone to unravel issues e.g. difficulties with paying licences, support with bereavement.
- Emergencies: take boaters to access emergency medical support e.g. Doctor or hospital, housing.
- Practical: help e.g. washing and drying laundry for boaters, helping out after a (rare) boat sinking.
Some Chaplains’ experiences:
“A while ago, I met a single-handed lady boater at a lock and we had a conversation about her partner recovering from Cancer surgery but, thankfully, had not needed chemo this time. During our time together, I told her I would pray for them and to get in touch if there was anything we could do to help, even just a cup of coffee.”
“I was travelling back home on my boat when I saw a familiar boat of someone I had previously helped so I called out ‘hello’ as I went by. He came out and shouted if I had time to stop, could I? I managed to find somewhere to moor and went in for a drink. He needed to chat and did so for nearly an hour, and really just needed to get things off his chest. This boater has become an asset now in the local area and often helps out other boaters.”
*Micah Chapter 6 verse 8