Donate to support the work on the Waterways

Bringing help to those on the towpath

Waterways Chaplaincy is funded entirely by donations – You can donate to our work in any of the following ways;

to Donate by Online banking or Standing order

Donate to Church Army using Sort Code 20-49-81 Account number 80255459

And please add the reference WWC1600


to Donate by Cheque

Make your cheque payable to “Church Army – Waterways Chaplains” and send to

Waterways Chaplains, Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield. S3 7RZ

Gift Aid

If you are a UK Taxpayer, then you can boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. If your regular or one off donation is made using our CAF online portal, then you will be taken through the process of the Gift Aid declaration as you make your donation.

If you choose to donate via Cheque, Standing order, or On-Line banking, then please download the Gift Aid Declaration form HERE, complete and sign the form and send it to us at Church Army.

Waterways Chaplaincy is an independent ecumenical charity within the Church Army family. Charity no 1200492, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish St, Sheffield, S3 7RZ.

You can find out more about Church Army and the other work they do HERE.

Church Army Logo

Waterways Chaplaincy is generously supported by the Benefact Trust